
Nu BodyMind treats the body with special attention to its connection with the mind. Re-regulate your nervous system and restore your BodyMind. 

All services are tailored to each individual to assist in embodied exploration and provide guidance through healing physical manifestations of trauma. 

Clinical Massage

Focuses on progressive treatment to meet your body's needs and your performance goals. It utilizes functional assessment, cognitive- behavioral assessment, bodymapping and various techniques involving stretching, deep tissue massage, myofascial release, active release, trigger point therapy and traction. 

Somatic Therapy

A body-oriented approach to understanding trauma and finding tools for healing. Through a series of physical touch or massage, your therapist will guide you through identifying connections between thoughts and memories to physical sensations or pain enabling, your increase in self-awareness of related exacerbating behaviors. This awareness will then become your tool during your self-healing journey. 

Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Approaches your body on a biomechanical (physical) and biodynamic (energetic) level. It is a more gentle approach that focuses on the body in relation to the bones and cerebrospinal fluid while also, observing any physical imbalances and emotional influences. 

Perineal Steam

Popularly known as Vaginal steaming, V-steam, Yoni steam, Sits baths, etc. This steaming method delivers herbal remedies to restore health and balance in the female and male reproductive system. 

Soma Meditation & Journaling

This guided form of mediation is designed to heighten awareness and sensitivity to the body's present state and changes thereof. Track changes through journaling making connections to mindset, behavior and diet. 


Somatic work is not limited to combatting trauma responses. It is an overall self exploration tool and a guide to developing adaptive behavior. 

Nu BodyMind can provide direct treatment or resources for dealing with stress, chronic pain, exploring musculoskeletal surgery prevention options, and relieving pain/ discomfort often experienced during pregnancy and postpartum.

Computer Overuse

Even with a perfectly ergonomic set-up, long hours of sitting or standing at a computer desk can leave quite a painful or nagging impact. 


Sports Maintenance & Recovery

Sports injuries can be reduced and prevented with regular soft tissue maintenance, but what happens when an injury occurs? Incorporate soft tissue maintenance with your physical/physiotherapy regimen for faster recovery. 


Prenatal & Postpartum

Pregnancy and postpartum can come with a host of discomfort and complications. Somatic work can help alleviate pain or discomfort and prevent a lot of those complications. 


Labor Intensive

Labor intensive industries can put pressure and strain on the body causing an immense amount of pain. If prolonged, some pain can lead to surgery which may come with its own painful side effects. Alleviate pain and prevent surgery. Prior procedures? Somatic work can help with recovery. 


Stress Management

The pressures of life can put a lot of stress on the mind and body. Stress has the potential to influence emotions and govern behavior, create physiological change and cause illness. Explore your symptoms with somatic work to identify and adjust the impact of internal triggers and manage external stressors.